Sunday, August 11, 2013

Who is Jesus?

Who do you think Jesus is? 
Have you ever wondered? 
What made you stop wondering and be satisfied with your answer?

I have to admit: Jesus' identity has been a question that I have always tried to answer, but yet, for some reason I can never fully do it justice. I know that you yourself are going to have a unique view of Him. This is why it is going to be difficult to answer the question. I recognize, that although Jesus is not a changing being, and that He is the same as he was 2000+ years ago, our view of Him is dynamic.

To me, Jesus is a bit like a flower, surrounded by every person. Some are closer to the flower than others, and everyone has a different view from where they are standing. Some are seeing the flower from behind, and others from the side. Some are standing behind other people and can't get a good look at it. The flower has not changed, but since we are not able to see it from all the multiple angles, we have to infer what is not visible to our eyes. 

I know this seems weird, but I truly believe that Jesus has already shown you a little bit of Himself. I don't mean that I think you are Christian. You might be a Buddhist, an Agnostic, a Muslim, or a follower of another way. Whatever you believe (and I hope I do not offend anyone), I think that you've already seen a part of Jesus. Whether its in a smile from a stranger, an unexpected gift, or someone forgiving you who shouldn't; you have seen a part of Him. 

I hope my words do not hurt you, or that you are not assuming that I could not possibly know what I am talking about. I think that no matter what I say, if you decide in your heart that you do not agree with me, you will not hear what I'm saying. My words will seem rotten to you. That is completely okay, and I want you to know that I respect you.

Also, I should say that you could be right in thinking I am wrong. This is only a blog after all.

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