Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Rooster

The rooster screams the same old song
Shrill clanging 
But the song doesn’t change

An unending alarm, a bell that won’t stop

A hunger for someone Anyone 

to heed the sound

But the Song stays the same

Piercing screeching on it goes

Gripping with its taloned toes

To the same old fence with the same old song

Wondering who will tell him he’s wrong

Wishing he could change your mind

But the song stays the same

Farmers yell “enough already!”

Yet it’s voice continues to pierce their ears

It’s a voice no one wants to hear

And he keeps on going not knowing what’s near

As the leaves drop round and it snows

Why did God give a painful song

To a bird who’s job is to not live long

To make all around cringe and run

From a noise that cannot be undone

That mixes pain with fear and doubt

Where sorrow screams and wrath comes out

What point is grief if it does not change

And leaves destruction in its wake

No one wants it to persevere

And no one close to it can hear

even the singer wants the song to change

So Why does he sing the same old song

Why scream rooster, on and on?

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